Updated Mar 10,2025

How to Use An Overlapping Clipping Path: A Complete Guide

how to use an overlapping clipping path

An overlapping clipping path is a mentionable part of the traditional clipping path service. However, many people don’t know about it when they know the clipping path. Overlapping the clipping path is an excellent editing service that is used by e-commerce retailers, photographers, and many other business purposes. As the overlapping clipping path is a part of the clipping path service, the process of both are almost similar. 

So, here comes the question of why to use an overlapping clipping path unless the normal one. What option works behind an overlapping clipping path and why use it? Ok, in this article, we will talk about the overlapping clipping path and its usage that will make you enlighten on this important editing topic. So, let’s start the discussion.

What is An Overlapping Clipping Path?

use an overlapping clipping path

As previously said, overlapping clipping paths is a similar form of clipping path. If you look at the process of both of them, you will find them similar. But the result and the purpose are different. An overlapping clipping path is mainly used to attach three or more product items in a single image. 

In an overlapping clipping path process, experts used to cut out several objects that are similar in type but different in color from several images. Overlapping the clipping path is very useful for eCommerce product photo retouching

Especially for clothing product items, they are varied in color. So, retailers used to attach several color products in a single image so that customers can get the sense of getting all those available colors of the product.

Why Use An Overlapping Clipping Path?

Overlapping the clipping path is an important photo editing technique used for many reasons nowadays. Photo editing services are now so familiar as people used to edit their wedding, stylish, and event photography to many of them. 

There are many kinds of photo editing options that you will be offered when you go to an editing agency with your images. They are,

  1. Background removal

  2. Photo retouching

  3. Color correction

  4. Shadow effect

  5. Image masking

  6. Light and dark issues

  7. Contrast, toning, and other adjustments

All these editing processes need to meet the clipping path technique on an emergency basis. Why? Here is the reason why you would need a clipping path to make any edit in your image.

Why is the Clipping Path So Important?

Clipping is a necessary step for every editing and photo retouching process. This is an expert’s opinion and it is true. When you will take an image in Photoshop to make a retouch, background remove, photo color correction, or apply shadow, you will have to do a clipping path at first. 

For every Photoshop design process, experts do the clipping path and then make the change that they want. Clipping paths are so important because sometimes when we clicked on a photograph with mobile or another camera, we would see that the photo includes a background that is not suitable for the image. In such situations, there is only one solution to fix the problem and that is the clipping path. It is a non-destructive image editing process that helps to remove any unwanted objects like background and others from your image. 

By doing that, the image looks more attractive and eye-catching. Here we are mentioning some initial sectors where you find clipping path as an initial step,

  • For an eCommerce product image, you must have to do a clipping path for sure

  • To apply any effective change in images with Photoshop, you will have to do a clipping path to the object that you want to make a change.

  • To design any print media such as magazine design or catalog design where the image is essential to look perfect. A clipping path must be applied there.

How to Do An Overlapping Clipping Path in Photoshop?

The process of Photoshop overlapping clipping paths is similar to the traditional clipping path. Once you have acquired the skills of a clipping path, you can do an overlap clipping path by yourself. So, here we are showing the easiest way to make a clipping path in images with Photoshop. Let’s start to follow it step by step,


First of all, you must have to install Photoshop software on your device. If you have it already, then open Photoshop. Go to File > Open > select the image that you want to use.


Select the pen tool from the toolbar, which can be detected with a fountain pen symbol. Zoom your image in a way that you can see every single detail that you can see every sharp edge of your image. Start drawing the vector path with the pen tool in the outline of the object.  Continue the drawing process until you haven’t covered up the total outline area of the object.


Then you have to save the path by clicking on the CTRL + right button of your mouse on the path menu. Now press ctrl + J to remove the background of your image.

Save the image file with ctrl + shift + S

This is the process of doing a clipping path in Photoshop. When you need an overlapping clipping path that means you have to merge two or more images to cut out and attach in a single frame. With the simple clipping path process, you can easily cut out various objects from several images and make add in one. 

Once you have made an overlapping clipping path, you will have to change the photo color of a different portion of your image to make them attractive. Although overlapping clipping paths help online retailers lotto display their product images attractively.

How to Find Overlapping Clipping Path Services?

An overlapping clipping path is a common editing option offered by most clipping path agencies. If you need an overlapping clipping path or any other clipping path service, Graphic Design Eye is an excellent choice. In today's busy world, searching online is the most efficient way to find what you need. Numerous online clipping path service providers can be easily found with a quick Google search. 

Alternatively, you can learn to create your own by mastering Photoshop techniques. To learn the overlapping clipping path technique in Photoshop, consider getting help from this photo editing agency.

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