Updated Feb 28,2025

Rebranding Strategy: A Step-by-Step Approach to Rebranding Your Business


Over time, a brand may lose its face and appeal, which is why rebranding comes up to develop a brand-new identity for the existing brand! Rebranding covers lots of things. Among them, a redesigned logo, name, vision, mission, slogan, design, or target audience is remarkable! 

The primary intent of rebranding is to offer a fresh look and exceptional textures of the existing website to make it stand out from the millions! Rebranding benefits brands or businesses to attract new audiences, stay more relevant, and stand out among competitors by improving brand awareness. 

Branding often wins the back seat of the ‘soft-sweat’ marketing strategy! It is not a matter of fortune that most business owners don’t know what should come first to sit in the front chair! That's why weak branding can block the efforts of developing their business! 

Indeed, rebranding is a marketing initiative by which you can update your brand identity to ensure a new glance and aesthetic feel of your brand! The rebranding process builds a unique brand identity to boost the sentiments of your audience! 

If you are the prey of weak branding, don't worry! We are here with valuable ideas for quality rebranding. 

Today, we will share all the specialties of rebranding strategy — benefits of rebranding, when do you need rebranding, the advantages of rebranding, the types of rebranding, and examples of rebranding company. Keep reading to explore more.

Best Rebranding Strategy

Rebranding gives your company a second chance to stand up and stand out. A mighty rebranding strategy helps you get a new life with your brand! By effective rebranding process, you can accomplish quality customer connections, market applicability, and differentiation from the competitors. 

Here we are to learn how to rebrand a company! Better, take a closer look at the below steps to implement this strategy in your business to grow:

1. Redefine Your Target Audience and Market

Brainstorming research will help you know your target customers, what your opponents are doing, what is original about your brand, and how it is different from other businesses in the same discipline. According to your research, you can learn whether your customers find your brand helpful or not. You need to recognize your ideal customers and their choices. Once you find your actual market and target audiences, it'll be more effortless to execute your strategy.

2. Rethink Your Vision, Mission, and Values

There are three main elements of each brand. They are mission, vision, and values. Before going with the rebranding process, it's essential to analyze these three factors to understand which one is not aligning with your brand ideas. 

Better, we delve into the most important three things one by one. 

  • Vision: The vision of a brand directs the actions you need to accomplish. It's no more a big matter your brand's vision can be updated. However, it's essential to redevelop your vision as early as possible so the employees can move in the right direction and make decisions according to the vision.
  • Mission: Mission tells the purpose of your brand. Your brand's mission includes the products you develop, your plain customers, and your location. In a single word, the mission is a roadmap of your business. Brand messaging tone depends on the brand's mission. If your brand's mission is reconstructed, your business messaging will be different, too.
  • Values: The values of a brand are meaningful indeed. It explains what makes you committed to your mission and what makes you work towards your vision. Over time, a brand can update its previous values to cope with business trends. That's why you can update your brand values to focus more on the main goals of your business.

If you update the above three main elements of your brand, the internal upgrades of your brand will happen like the way you communicate to your customers, like — the tone, and the language you use with your customers.

3. Revise Your Brand Slogan

A slogan works as the glow of a brand. A catchy, captivating, and influential slogan can communicate your company's vision, and mission, and draw the attention of your target audience. If it requires a modification, carefully do it! Remember that a company's slogan highlights the brand's purpose. 

Indeed, customers like catchy slogans. Famous brands use highly engaging slogans to keep them in customer's minds. For example, “Just Do It” from Nike, “Because You’re Worth It” from L’Oreal, “I'm Lovin’ It” from McDonald's, “Think Different” from Apple, and “Quality Never Goes Out of Style” from Levi’s. If you create an impressive slogan for your brand, consider the following:

  • Try to be consistent
  • Use your unique value proposition
  • Keep your slogan short, simple, and clear
  • Reevaluate your target customers and market
  • Ensure that the slogan copes with the latest trends

4. Review Your Company Name

If you think about redesigning the logo, menu, or stationary of a brand means you're updating one of the fundamental things of the brand. Reconstructing a company name is an in-depth step. It impacts your organic traffic and brand recognition. But, if you want to change your brand name, get ready a profound plan for a complete makeover after your rebrand. 

If your brand's name aligns with your vision, mission, and values, it'll be sounder to keep the name. Otherwise, if the name doesn't suit your brand identity, you can think of updating or modifying the name. Keep in mind that your chosen brand name can convey your message, catchy, easy to read, and easy to spell. A quality brand name can boost your business growth and other goals.

5. Change Your Logo

When you are thinking about internal redesign in your company, sure, you want to modify the logo at the very beginning. A new logo can be a game changer for your company. So, you should take it seriously! 

If you think you can't do it yourself, you can get help from a graphic design agency to craft your logo unique and attractive that will make your brand stand out among your competitors. And, if you think you can do a great job with your existing logo, we recommend taking a look at the below steps:

  • Create a logo that will convey your brand message
  • Design a simple and meaningful logo with your confidence
  • The logo you will design will cope with your brand mission, vision, and value.
  • You can try to use some parts of your old logo to understand your customers it's you.
  • Use universal styles and shapes while designing a logo so it can fit your communication channels

6. Use Different Colors

The perfect color combination is key to influencing your customers and your brand. Maryland study says that the color raises the brand by 80%. Before you go with the color combination, take a glance at your company and think twice about which color matches the best with your brand image. 

At present, another tricky issue with color is how the color will look on the in-print and on-screen. Ensure the color remains the same in different brand materials. If you think it's beyond your skill, don’t worry. We suggest you get help from top-level graphic design services

7. Reconsider Your Shapes and Imagery

Leave hurryness while you think of modifying any visual elements of your branding. You can think deeply about modifying imagery and shapes to keep everything of your brand design attractive and cohesive. Keep in mind that everything you do while rebranding will align with the brand voice. So, your imagery and shapes should match your brand message for sure.

Benefits of Business Rebranding

business rebranding

A new life means a lot! The advantages of rebranding have many. It improves the look of your brand, elevates your brand positioning, and assures an overall pretty impression! We’ll review the benefits you'll achieve after a successful rebranding approach. Take a look at:

1. New Audience

You have heard that right. 

The main purpose of rebranding is to gain new target customers for your brand. People will be enticed by your brand when you update your logo, values, slogan, menu, car wrap, stationery items, vision, mission, and more. You can reach more new target customers when you correctly communicate with them!  

The first and foremost thing in getting new audiences for your brand is to ensure new and authentic ideas for your target audience about your brand! You can only do it by rebranding your business. An excellent benefit of rebranding is specifying which audiences align with your business tagline and positioning.  

Not only those customers who like to purchase your service or product but also will remain loyal to your brand and find loyalty in your brand. Rebranding helps people build trustworthy relationships with your brand for a long time. 

These people will work as brand advocates to convince their family and friends to purchase your services and products in the long run.  Indeed, rebranding unfolds new opportunities to identify customer personas, and it'll help you develop your brand messaging and posture for your target audiences!

Higher Relevancy 

You must keep your company up-to-date and align with the latest trends! No matter whether your brand is old or new! It will always be relevant to the current trend. Well-known and popular companies can move quickly and follow the latest trends flawlessly to make them first-class brands to adapt their brain concept! 

If your brand ensures quality, high value, and relevant information, you can achieve your target buyer's trust and confidence and help people understand your brand is different from the average. For your better understanding, we can talk about the worldwide known brand Adidas. 

Adidas is a remarkable company all across the globe! We can learn something valuable from their successful rebranding strategy. The Adidas company has been running its business with name and fame since 1949. They completed rebranding several times to connect their audiences with the latest business trends. 

In 2011, Adidas stopped producing its reputed Stan Smith sneakers to cope with the millennial market. They came out with a fresh version of sneakers in 2014 to meet their customers' demands. Also, they hunted their customers' hearts by promoting their new version of sneakers on social media. 

The company captured the interest of their new customers and boosted crazy sales. Indeed, Adidas was able to complete successful rebranding campaigns!

Streamlined Teamwork

Accomplish ASAP the things you need to do to make your brand stand out among the crowd! If your brand does not have a clear mission, vision, and strategy, think about reconstructing your brand structure. This brand reconstruction means developing the efficiency and efficacy of your business. 

For example, if your brand is related to the design industry, we suggest you meet a top-tier graphic design agency to grab top-quality graphic design services to make your brand stand out. Also, you can make the right decisions for your brand to make it go from the agency you hire. 

Indeed, rebranding consumes your time and investment. So, you need to be aware of the benefits of the rebranding campaign. Otherwise, it will be a risky move for your business.

Reduce Marketing Cost

A new start with a well-embellished brand, including an exceptional redesigned logo, slogan, mission, and vision promotes the effectiveness of all your marketing actions. 

A good understanding of your audience will help you more to reconstruct your brand. Also, this understanding allows you to develop your marketing campaigns. Influential brand messaging is the most valuable thing in the customer segment. It'll be intelligent to put zero effort into scattershot messaging. 

The cohesiveness of your brand wraps up all of your marketing poses. Every step of your initiatives can impact other initiatives. Yes, you can get the templates and guidelines for rebranding after doing it once. You don't need to invest every time in brand design or other marketing materials as you find clear ideas during the rebranding process. The first-time rebrand ideas can decrease your cost for the next.

Improved Google Ranking

If people discover your new brand helpful, search engines like Google will evaluate your measures and help people! You assist people with their search intent, Google will help you rank your brand on the search page. Building a reliable and strong brand takes brainstorming outcomes! 

For example, Neil Patel experienced that his website was getting low traffic. He thought about rebuilding a solid brand! After rebranding, he found the website traffic had risen from 24,0839 to 45,4382 users in a few months. It's the result of solid rebranding.

Improved Brand Recognition

Originality always wins the race! 

If your rebranding approach makes your brand humanized, shares an authentic story of your brand, or a video with the mission and vision of your brand, then it'll be more mind-triggering for your audience. Customers like your brand when you share your experience, match opinions with them, and stimulate exact emotions that align with your customers. 

A creative branding story works excellently for this purpose. Here is an example for you! A Mexican beer company named Dos Equis decided to rebrand their company. And finally, Dos Equis thought about changing their branding story. It was a powerful rebranding campaign that came out with the name of “The Most Impressive Man in the World.” 

Under the catchy title, it was a clever and highly influential story for their brand. With this exceptional rebranding process, the beer company earned a 22% sales growth at the end of the day!

Differentiate From the Competition

Most young businesses don’t dive into the significance of rebranding and they pick generic templates to reconstruct their initial brand. Indeed, a generic logo or something like that you get online with less effort can break your business health instead of developing. 

Generic branding can’t be a good concept for your business as it shouts like others! Recognizing your brand is complicated for your customers when many brands look like yours. In this case, brand loyalty comes first. Look, it's highly challenging to build brand loyalty when your customers can’t differentiate your brand from your opponents. 

Your branding should be unique and convey a different sense to your customer's mind. An original brand identity increases the chances for your brand to stand out from the crowd. In the meantime, rebranding strategy rarely gets a seat in business plans as entrepreneurs do not think they will need to rebrand! 

But rebranding matters a lot! Many businesses dive into their primary brand identity and go for redesign marketing elements in digital and printed items to develop their brand and give a fresh feel in customers' minds. If you can follow a solid and exceptional rebranding strategy, nothing can stop you from becoming one of many! 

The things you want to add to your rebranding campaign will make your brand different and better than other competitors in the minds of your target new customers. Sure, rebranding helps you tell a solid and trustworthy brand story that'll positively influence your customers. 

But, it’s not called rebranding when a company changes its name! For example, Standard was the first name of Amoco. Backrub was the first name of Google. Andersen Consulting was the first name of Accenture.  A rebranding process doesn't allow changing the company or brand name. That's why these are not rebranding.

When Do You Need Rebranding? 

brand rebranding

Rebranding is an expensive process. It carries risks whether the company is small or big. The process is complicated, too. That's why you must have serious reasons to go with the rebranding process. Here are some main reasons to reconsider before going with rebranding:

Market Repositioning

Repositioning means changing a company's living product or brand position in the marketplace. It signifies when a company wants to update its outdated image, global strategic evolutions, or target new audiences. If you think of repositioning your brand or product, you must do many things. 

These include picking a logo, business card, t-shirt, label, ID card, packaging, car wrap, restaurant menu, letterhead, envelope, invoice, bag, mug redesign, size, price, choice, promotional channels, or place. You can think about rebranding.

To Improve Company's Reputation

There are many reasons behind a company's reputation fade. Among the reasons, scandals on social media, data leaks, or the promotion of low-quality products are most common. Unfortunately, if your company experiences poor prestige, it will have a big crash everywhere. 

A negative image in the customer's mind matters most to the company. In this circumstance, a solid redesign can help the company out of the situation and win the customer's trust again. In this situation, rebranding can be a tricky way out indeed!

Company Merger Necessary

When two companies become one, you have an acquisition or a merger. To represent the top grade of your business, think about customers' beliefs, improve brand awareness, ignore confusion, and overall a refresh is required. 

A merger can do many things for your business! It allows your business to understand new markets, achieve more profit, utilize financial resources tactfully, a new management strategy, and many more. Therefore, the process helps people to get better customer service, good quality products, and lower rates. You may think about rebranding if a company merger is necessary.

Think About International Markets

Your business demands to enter international markets. Rebranding is necessary to achieve outstanding business growth and economic progress to fulfill this purpose. You want to go international markets with your brand. So, you need to connect to new networks, and locations, and gear up your marketing materials! 

Among the marketing materials, a fantastically redesigned company logo, slogan, vision, and clear mission to clarify your brand is original and detail-oriented and it helps customers to get what they want.

Leadership Change

Many changes come up when leadership changes in a company. A new identity of a brand comes out with the hand of a new leader. Under new leadership, many changes can come out including, the company stationery and branding kit redesign, or the new leader can think about brand awareness efforts to draw more customers.

Remember one thing, branding change can not be the easiest and fastest way to develop your business. If you want to implement successfully this strategy, you need to dive into the types of rebranding. After that, you can pick the one that suits your business most.

Types of Rebranding

The rebranding process comes out with the purpose of changing the corporate image of a company or brand! It's a crafty market strategy to redesign a creative logo, slogan, or design for an existing brand. By rethinking a company's current state, rebranding can have several types. Here, we are talking about two main types of rebranding. These are:

  1. Partial Rebranding
  2. Total Rebranding

After learning these two types of rebranding, you can decide which one is necessary for your business. So, let's get started.

Partial Rebranding

Minor updates in your brand encompass partial branding! It means you need to update your brand more! You want little updates like — the company's logo and some images that have become outdated. So, a refresh is necessary to make a successful partial rebranding! We can have a look at Apple’s partial rebranding below from 1976 to 2013.

Total Rebranding

It tells foundational redesign in your company branding kit. Foundational changes include a change in leadership, mergers, product overhauls, and many more core things. To optimize the core redesign of your brand, you need to upgrade your brand identity with brand vision, mission, and proportions.

In a single word, it's an absolute makeover to make a new version of your brand. For example, in 2017, the gaming hardware manufacturer, Oculus was purchased by Facebook. After owning Oculus, Facebook decided to rebrand it. Modernizing the logo of Oculus was the starting part of rebranding by Facebook!

Already you have learned the main two types of rebranding. So, you can consider the steps of rebranding that go with your brand!

Examples of Rebranding Company

Rebranding costs a lot the business owners. But most of them want to rebrand to give their businesses a new life with fresh oxygen (quality rebranding materials). It takes time and lots of things to accomplish. 

Quality rebranding only wins the purpose! 

Indeed, companies take business risks while rebranding. One thing is important, if the rebranding process is implemented correctly, it can help your business grow and elevated to the next level. Here are some rebranding examples:

1) Co-Op

Long days ago, in 1844, the company was founded. It came out as a customer co-operative with a miscellaneous family of retail industries. The main reason for taking the rebranding decision was to remove the image crisis. Unfortunately, a series of events was liable for the image crisis of the co-op. The general people discovered that the co-op made a 1.5 billion pound hole in their bank account in 2013. The company was thinking about how to get out of this collapse. Finally, they decided to rebrand to save their reputation. The co-op greatly modified its administration and restructured its business. 

In the meantime, they thought about their customers. And, they decided to build a recognizable visual individuality for their audiences. The company hit another plan, offering a 5% reward on their products to catch their target audiences!

2) Airbnb

Everyone knows about Airbnb! This famous company was established in 2008. The management of Airbnb decided to rebrand Airbnb to update the look and feel of the brand. Fortunately, they implemented a total rebrand and it worked.

As part of the total rebranding, they upgraded typography, added a new logo, and used various types of color combinations. Initially, Airbnb experienced many more negative reviews! But after rebranding, they won their customer's trust again. Now, Airbnb is the name of a fascinating brand all across the globe!

3) Dropbox

We all know about Dropbox! In 2007, it came out as a file-hosting service. The company started to reconstruct its brand and worked as the connective tissue for various teams and companies. It changed its mission and made some internal changes. They developed a simple but more pristine logo to connect their customers with a fresh look. They used a refresh to highlight Dropbox and created it as a workspace to connect new audiences and share innovative ideas!

4) Burberry

It's well-known as a luxury fashion house! This prominent brand was established in 1856. The company management decided to do a total makeover when the CEO of Burberry was changed in 2006. However, Burberry didn't wait for a single moment and stated its brand story to move forward and share the best features of the company. Burberry targeted its customers with captivating appeal through social media. And finally, it worked for them. The company reconstructed its story and implemented a solid brand presence on its “Britishness” by hiring British models. Burberry found effective its rebranding process to stand out among luxury brands!

5) Coty Inc

It was a miracle in rebranding history! Yes, a rebrand gives a new birth to Coty. The Coty Inc. has been running its business for 100 years! With a refresh, the company started presenting its visual identity, values, and the purpose of the brand to its audiences. The brand made a creative rebranding and switched its looks to cheerful and colorful in the diversity of the beauty world. They worked on internal beauty to attract new target audiences and grow with engaging communication!  

6) Starbucks

A reputed and well-known company all around the world! Starbucks was founded in 1971. Indeed, the company experienced several times of logo changes. Finally, the company decided to rebrand in 2011 to expand its premises more.

They introduced a new logo while celebrating their 40th anniversary! With the new logo, the company aimed to share a fresh identity with its customers. Starbucks has found the rebranding approach helpful to grow its business!


How was our post on rebranding strategy? Have you enjoyed the post? Most probably, your answer is Yes. We believe you have learned 'head to toe' of rebranding. In the meantime, you have understood the importance of rebranding and the outstanding benefits of rebranding.

Indeed, rebranding can appreciate new instead of old. It is building a new brand identity by changing the existing brand kit, logo, slogan, values, name, vision, mission, and even market to construct a new brand identity in the minds of customers, leads, partners, and competitors. From the above article, you already know why the company thinks of rebranding. In the meantime, the significance of rebranding is many more. Yes, it represents your brand's looks and feels! 

It updates your existing images to fresh ones and helps you communicate your company's values and brand messages more effectively. That's why rebranding is meaningful to cope with the latest trends and helps your brand stand out from competitors. Many brand specialists convey that rebranding is the rebirth of a brand or company. 

What about your opinion on rebranding now? Feel free to share with us! If you have any questions in your mind about rebranding after reading the above article, we highly encourage you to share them with us. We, Graphic Design Eye, provide top-tier branding design services ensuring the best quality diving into your needs. Contact us now!

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