Updated Feb 27,2025

Benefits of double-sided business card design: Which one is better one-sided vs. double-sided

benefits of double sided business card design

While single-sided business cards have been there for too long, double-sided business cards have some advantages in particular. 

For example, one side could feature your contact information while the other side could display a stunning logo or catchy tagline. Such a move captures people’s attention and makes the card memorable.

A double-sided design is not just about appearing professional or thoughtful; it indicates that you’ve put in extra effort to make sure your business card is not just some piece of paper but rather reflects who you are as a brand. There is more to this when it comes to the benefits of double-sided business card design.

Thus, if you want a powerful message on your card then it should definitely be two-sided. But what are the benefits? Let's find them together!

What Are Double-Sided Business Cards?

When you are limited in space, business cards that have been printed on both sides make great sense. You can create a better design by using the front and back parts.

Consider having your logo, catchphrase, or even a striking image on one side and all contact details on the other. It not only improves its appearance but also gives you more room to express your brand’s identity.

In the industry of design, first impressions count so much. Having a double-sided business card allows for the expansion of the area to be able to impress would-be clients.

Even though two surfacing business cards give more space for information, they should not be overcrowded. The card becomes untidy and unreadable when there is too much information provided on it.

Benefits of Double-Sided Business Card Design

advantages of business card design

Double-sided business cards make a strong lasting impression. They provide more room for your brand, products, or services and allow you to create visually stunning designs that are unforgettable. 
Whether you wish to add more information, take advantage of unusual design possibilities, or just look professional, businesses should choose double-sided cards. Let’s look at some of the key advantages:

1. More Space For Information

With double-sided business cards, you have space to spare so you can include all the details without crowding the card. You may choose to put in all your contacts such as phone number, email address, and website plus social media handles.

This additional space makes it easier for friends who may want to reach you via different platforms. Additionally, this also provides a chance to highlight your products/services/special call-to-action on the back side hence making it informative and captivating.

2. Unique Design Opportunities

Having two sides gives room for creativity in designing. Each side could use different layouts, colors, and elements so that you get a stand-out card. For example; one side may show your company logo with its brand colors while the other side can have contact information presented originally.

This way is useful when trying to win over potential clients by creating positive impressions about them in their minds. Double-sided cards are great for displaying your creative prowess while having a memorable visual impact at the same time.

3. Professionalism

A double-sided business card presents itself professionally to others who view it. It shows that you pay attention even to minuscule details because of how much value you place on presenting your organization’s image positively before others’ eyes.

The quality appearance of these cards speaks well about your company and makes people think about you as someone they can rely upon and trust due to the credibility associated with such items as this one.

Spending some money on buying two-face cards will help improve customer perception towards the company’s brand image as they start building trust levels within the potential client base.

4. Versatility And Functionality

Double-sided business cards go beyond mere contact information; they can also serve as mini brochures, loyalty cards, or even promotional kits.

For example, one side could contain business details while the other offers discounts or special promotions.

This makes the card useful and therefore people would want to keep it for future reference. With their flexibility, two-sided cards are a practical way of marketing your company.

5. Arrange Information Neatly

You can neatly arrange your information on double-sided business cards without overwhelming your viewers.

On one side, you may include important contact details, and on the other one additional information such as links to social media accounts or a short outline of the company’s profile.

The separation makes your card clean and easy to read thus making it appear more professional.

6. Room For More Creativity

Having two sides leaves you with a bigger space for playing around with different layouts and design elements to create something interesting visually.

The use of different color schemes, typographies, and images on the two sides can make the card look more attractive. This creative approach will allow your brand to stand out.

7. Stronger & Worthwhile

The presence of content and design on both sides makes double-sided cards thick hence they feel stronger than normal ones.

In addition, this extra weight together with a well-thought-out design also implies that they are very expensive which increases their retention value by recipients.

One-Sided Vs Double-Sided Business Cards: Which Is Right For You?

benefits of business card design

Choosing between one-sided and double-sided business cards can be challenging. Ultimately, the choice depends on your business type and the amount of information that you want to convey. 

However, one-sided cards are simple and cheap; still, double-sided ones provide more space where your brand can appear. Let’s get into them a bit briefly!


The type of work you are involved in plays an important role when deciding whether to go with a single or double-sided card. For example, lawyers or consultants may opt for single-sided cards that contain only their contact details and remain plain. 

In contrast, IT companies or retail organizations can use both sides of their cards to describe services they offer or goods they sell more fully. Double-sided business cards provide greater scope, especially in creative sectors where there is room for additional design features hence making yours outstanding while reflecting your organization’s image.


What do you intend to achieve with a business card? This should determine whether it will have two sides or just one side. 

A double-sided design card is preferable if you want to give full information about your company or promote it thoroughly. That means using them when you are promoting a company to employees who are traveling on behalf of its marketing department might be ideal.

A single face ensures simplicity whereas on occasions such as formal meetings with customers, this enables writing messages at the back. Actually, The decision here comes down to whether it is better to discuss products at length or just communicate briefly.


You should also consider the occasion when these business cards will be given out, distributed, or handed over. Preparing yourself with something single-sided will no doubt create a handy notebook surface as well as extra space for jotting things down during conferences.

At trade fairs, however, like conventions where brands exhibit their wares then one should consider using double-sided ones. In other words, the success of a business card is determined by when it is used and where it is distributed.


How will people keep your business cards? Some people keep their cards with the front side facing out or else scan them, saving them in business card digital format. 

Moreover, such single-face cards are much more practical since all necessary data is at once under notice. It’s risky to use both sides of the cards as there are chances of not seeing their back if an individual just takes a look at one side due to storage constraints. 

By understanding your target market’s behaviors you will be able to pick between a double and single-sided card depending on which one would have greater reach and recall for your brand.

Are Double-Sided Business Cards More Expensive?

Yes, double-sided business cards usually cost more than single-sided ones. The reason is because of the extra link and other resources needed to print on both sides. However, the price difference is not as big as some may believe. 

The small increase in price is many times worthwhile as it provides for additional room and design options.

Curiously, double-sided prints account for over 95 percent of all orders placed for business cards. From this, it shows that most firms consider paying a bit more to have these benefits worthwhile.

The only exception where you can go for a one-sided card is when you are operating under a tight budget or need space at the back to write down notes such as appointment time.

Regarding The Extra Charges

Printing on both sides of a card leads to extra toner and a little more time being spent on production. This results in an added cost, although it is hardly noticeable.

Most businesses find that these advantages outweigh the increased expense associated with having two faces of information on their cards; this includes space for additional details and improved design capabilities.

Balancing Cost Against Value

However expensive double-sided cards may be, one should always weigh them against their potential value to his or her enterprise.
Consider the following advantages: they provide more space, which allows for greater creativity and communication on your part through your business card; they cost slightly more but it’s worth considering how much impact they could have on your brand or networking attempts.

Printing double-sided business cards may cost slightly higher due to additional printing and designing resources, but it pays off in the end because their value is significant enough for this investment anyway. 

Impeccably designed two-sided ones can last long after you have given them out thus singling you out from your competitors’ ones which might not have as competitive outlooks as yours does. 

In addition, that’s why you need to be extra careful when you want to design your double-sided business card. For this, you can get help from a professional business card design service. They can highlight some important things you offer, put custom designs, and make your business card stand among others in a pile.

Print Tips: Pick a print shop that understands design subtleties and offers high-quality materials. The choice has to be right otherwise you will end up with cards that are substandard and discrediting your brand due to their low production standards.


Double-sided business cards are beneficial for various reasons such as increased space to provide information and improve design choices. A card is not only limited to contact details; it becomes an effective tool that shows the quality and high level of professionalism of your brand. 

Cardstock paper improves the uniqueness of business cards by giving them a touch of matte, glossy, or textured finishes. These tips will help you come up with a memorable and impactful business card that makes you different from others.

If you feel like we left anything out, do not hesitate to inform us! To get more tips on how to design a great business card, please contact us! 

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