ghost mannequin service

Ghost Mannequin Service

Ghost mannequin service is a popular product photography technique used to create a 2D and 3D effect for clothing without the use of a human model. This technique involves capturing front and back images of the garment and merging them to create a seamless and realistic look. By removing the mannequin and the background, the product becomes the focal point, allowing customers to get a better idea of how the clothing will look on them.

The invisible mannequin editing service offers many benefits to businesses, especially those in the fashion industry. It creates a professional and consistent look across all product images, making them more appealing to customers. Additionally, it saves time and money that would otherwise be spent on hiring models and setting up elaborate photoshoots.

However, it's crucial to choose a reliable and experienced ghost mannequin editing service provider to ensure that your product images look their best. A reputable provider will have the necessary skills and equipment to produce high-quality images that accurately represent your products. They will also have an efficient process that ensures fast turnaround times, allowing you to get your products up for sale as quickly as possible.

We offer a dependable and cost-effective ghost mannequin service that is characterized by creativity and integrity. Our team of highly trained photo editors can handle a large volume of photos while maintaining quality and delivering on time. Contact us now!

Types Of Ghost Mannequin Service

So, if you are a fashion product seller who runs website for selling products or you choose social media platforms to engage local customers, you should consider ghost mannequin for your own benefit. However, it is not that ghost mannequin effect is only useable for apparel, rather it can be applied to give outstanding look to all kinds of product images. Ghost mannequin features a hand of benefits for ecommerce and online retailers. But as a newcomer, most of them are not aware of the features and benefits of the effect. Therefore, we make it easier to get how clients would be benefitted through this special post-processing technique. For your convenience, we have mentioned the different aspects of ghost mannequin service that you should consider,

Ghost Mannequin Neck Joint

ghost mannequin neck joint
ghost mannequin neck joint

Although the neck joint is considered a distinguished post-processing service, it involves ghost mannequin also. So, you can find online services that offer neck joint services along with ghost mannequin. So, what’s the deal with neck joints?

Neck joint deals with the front and internal parts of the photographs which cut away the visible content from the neck part. Before post-processing, clothing products are used to photograph with mannequins or real models. In case, the seller wants to employ ghostly effect to the images, neck joint service gives the right solution by adjusting it professionally. It removes distraction by filling the work area with white background and makes the image looks professional. Ghost mannequin neck joint required for shirts, t-shirts, half sleeve sando product images as they come with a neck part with them.

Ghost Mannequin Bottom Joint

ghost mannequin service
ghost mannequin service

When you have such apparel product images that hold complex bottom parts such as short pants, socks, underwear, etc, this service is required immediately. If they include mannequin body, it should be removed properly to create the effect of ghost mannequin. Professional editors at first cut out the unwanted part with clipping path tool in the lower end of the image and then make it flawless by joining the bottom with ghost mannequin effect. This is an excellent way to deal with lower garments images and present them in a realistic way to consumers.

Ghost Mannequin Sleeves Joint

ghost mannequin sleeves joint
ghost mannequin sleeves joint

Whether it is full sleeve, short sleeve, or sleeveless garment product image, sleeves joint ghost mannequin involves all ghost mannequin editing operations. Sleeves that include complex inner part of the mannequin body needs to be removed professionally. Otherwise, it can’t give the desired look to the image. Ghost mannequin sleeves joint is a regular part of ghost mannequin service. When experts take part in this editing operation, they do the work precisely for each part of the product and bring significant changes to the product image. Thus, ghost mannequin is so popular as it helps to make images interesting and appealing to grab consumers' attention at the first look.

Gown Joint in Ghost Mannequin

gown joint in ghost mannequin
gown joint in ghost mannequin

Gowns are one of the most popular wearable things for women and it is thoroughly used by women all over the world. Therefore, both online and offline women's clothing stores must keep this item on their catalog for sale. If you also have this exceptional women's clothing item in your store, you may want to show them with eye-catching product page on your website. Then this gown joint in ghost mannequin service will help you to ensure alluring gowns photo with ghost mannequin effect. With such special effects in the product photographs, your customer could get more details of the dress and will be faster to make buying decision.

T-Shirt Ghost Mannequin Effect

t-shirt ghost mannequin effect
t-shirt ghost mannequin effect

The usage of t-shirts has increased rapidly all over the world. It is not that t-shirt is the most comfortable attire, moreover, it is also cost effective and easy to customize. This is why it is now frequently chosen by men and women for regular usage and even for special purposes. According to the demand, t-shirt business has become the first choice for many entrepreneurs and small fashion business retailers to grow business and brand identity. If you are one of them and have website for selling t-shirts, then the t-shirt ghost mannequin effect is something you need to consider. Using this editing in your eCommerce optimization business will be helpful to boost sales and get more potential for your website. If you have a unique in your product catalog with ghost mannequin effect, you can make it highly profitable for you.

Ghost Mannequin Color Correction

ghost mannequin color correction
ghost mannequin color correction

As previously said, editing experts don’t just stick with ghost mannequin effect in product photo editing operations. Rather, they need to adjust every single aspect such as the product color, shadow, scratch or glare if includes, etc. For all visual content, color plays an important role in playing with the psychology of the audience and enticing the product image. And color correction for products photos is an unavoidable post-processing step because it helps to recover the original colors of products in the visuals. When capturing product photographs, it's normal that you can’t get the exact color of the product in your images. There are so many reasons behind it such as inappropriate camera settings, daylight, placement etc. However, don’t worry, you have post production services like ghost mannequin color correction through which you can get back the original color feelings in fashion product images.

Ghost Mannequin Shadow Effect

ghost mannequin shadow effect
ghost mannequin shadow effect

Ghost mannequin shadow effect is a way to give your product images realistic shadow and make them more appealing as well. A realistic shadow effect doubtlessly increases the visual interaction of the product image. But it's not an easy task to employ the shadow effect in the right place and in the right way. There are different types of artistic shadow effects that can be included in images such as, drop shadow, natural shadow, reflection shadow which is also known as mirror effect with photo reflection shadow effect. It depends on the product which shadow type will work best for it. While making ghost mannequin effect to any ecommerce product image, you should also consider the shadow effect to give it a professional look. It will show consumers that you are so careful about quality even if it is a product image or the real product.

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Invisible Ghost Mannequin Editing Package

Here is the most affordable price list for ghost mannequin services you can see online. If you want to make a customized price list for your bulk order, simply go for the 'Get a quote' option and let us know your requirements. We accept both bulk and small orders to make it helpful for you.

  • Simple

    $ 0.50

  • Just 2 parts joining
  • White & transparent background
  • Medium

    $ 1.00

  • Just 2 parts joining
  • White & transparent background
  • Bottom area joint
  • Color matching
  • Cropping, Resizing
  • Complex

    $ 2.00

  • Just 2 parts joining
  • White & transparent background
  • Bottom area joint
  • Color matching
  • Cropping, Resizing
  • Shadow adding
  • Wrinkle/folding issue fixing
  • Straightening
  • S-Complex

    $ 5.00

  • Just 2 parts joining
  • White & transparent background
  • Bottom area joint
  • Color matching
  • Cropping, Resizing
  • Shadow adding
  • Wrinkle/folding issue fixing
  • Straightening
  • Advanced Retouching
  • 360-degree packshot

Bulk Image or Monthly Basis (CONTRACTUAL)


Ghost Mannequin FAQs

If you’re on the brink of choosing ghost mannequin service online, you should make things clear about the service to ensure you are picking the right option. When outsourcing online photo editing services, people often have many questions about pricing, delivery, and what they can expect from the service. Thinking so, we have added some frequently asked questions below which will help you to learn more about our service. You can also get a lot more information about ghost mannequin effect from the following questions and answers.

Ghost mannequin editing service is one of the popular photo editing functions that you can find in most individual photo editing services online. Photo editing service becomes a common need due to the wide extension of online activities. In addition, ecommerce business, social media marketing requires high quality product images, and visual content to grab attention and make strong impression. Regarding this, ghost mannequin editing technique helps to add more context and value to your images and make them more special. Ghost mannequin effect is mostly required for fashion product photo editing. It is an advanced way to make ordinary clothing product images and catalogs turn into a gorgeous one. Therefore, it cannot be done by people who do not know how to create ghost mannequin effect in images. For this, there has been established online ghost mannequin service that allows outsourcing ghost mannequin editing services worldwide. These online services professionally do the job and deliver high quality images for ecommerce products or social media ads.

Ghost mannequin and invisible mannequin refer to the same thing which is removing the visible mannequin body and implementing an invisible ghostly mannequin into the image. You can say either ghost mannequin or invisible mannequin on purpose.

Nowadays, image post-processing services like ghost mannequins, clipping paths, photo manipulation, etc are over-demanding. Because we need to use images and static visual content more than video, motion & animation, and audio content. Moreover, creating engaging product photos for ecommerce seems the less expensive way to deal with your large amount of product photos. However, ghost mannequin has an essential approach in photography, model or glamour photography, apparel websites, and ecommerce business. Fashion ecommerce is growing day by day and more people are intending to purchase their next favorite dress online. In the first Q of 2022, 59% of total online customers have purchased clothing products from different platforms in the US. For this reason, even offline sellers are now interested in running online activities for their business. When selling products online, you need to showcase high-quality images of the products. Product images should be processed in such a way that they hit the right spot and prompt a purchase decision. By post-processing product images with ghost mannequin, you can provide subtle details and clear visualization of the product to consumers.

Therefore, it is considered more effective than showing products with mannequin body. Moreover, purchasing mannequin or hiring model for fashion product photography can cost a lot more. For starters and those on a low budget, they can barely afford this additional cost of product photography.

This is an important thing to consider before you are sending photos to the service for ghost mannequin editing. When taking apparel product photography for post processing, you should capture the full cloth in one shot and then take another shot that shows only the neck part while visualizing the inner neck part of the attire clearly. It is necessary for ghost mannequin because, without the neck joint section image, it can’t be done perfectly. When you provide the neck joint image exceptionally, it will be implemented in a way that will show the product label to consumers.

Ghost mannequin is highly recommended for those who don’t have a high budget and equipment for product photography. Ghost mannequin is post processing technique that helps small retailers, and entrepreneurs start growing as an independent online retailer. Since ecommerce business requires high quality product images, you also need to be equipped with DSLR or smartphone camera for that. Don’t worry if you haven't a high budget for product photography, ghost mannequin will help you to fulfill your need even in a low budget.

You can get the ghost mannequin effect by using advanced photo editing software like photoshop. It requires the knowledge of some advanced photo editing techniques like clipping path, masking, etc to apply the invisible mannequin effect on specific objects. If you don’t know the technique, you can get it by outsourcing online ghost mannequin services which are cost effective and deliver professional results to your needs.

Removing mannequins from clothing product images isn't difficult if you have the knowledge of specific photoshop techniques. These techniques are considered advanced Photoshop techniques and you need to master them to complete the images perfectly with the ghost mannequin effect. In case you don’t know how to remove mannequins from the photo, you can take the help of YouTube and browser to get it clearly. You can get many free resources, and video tutorials on YouTube that show the entire process step by step. Besides, you can take photo editing experts to help you understand everything practically.

Ghost mannequin photography is a popular term for clothing ecommerce retailers. It is a way to take clothing product images in a specific manner that ensures the best appearance of the product in the image. If you are also a fashion product retailer and want to perform ghost mannequin photography, you need to go through certain photography and photo editing task to accomplish the desired result in your image. You can read the above detailed discussion about ghost mannequin to understand how it is executed by professional editors. But before jumping into the editing part, you need to capture the apparels images first. For this, you need to place the selected garment on mannequin and then take it off to capture another of the covered neck part area. When done with photography, you need to take part in post processing with photoshop tools to create invisible mannequin effect in the image.

Most ecommerce businesses need ghost mannequin editing along with other post processing services to deliver high quality product images for visitors and customers. Also, offline clothing retailers need this to make high quality catalogs to show customers. Ghost mannequin is essential for clothing product images but you can also consider this for other product images adjustment.

There are many ghost mannequin services available online. Before you choose any of them for your purpose, it needs to ensure that you are choosing a professional service that can value your needs and provide the best results. Therefore, you should find the best ghost mannequin service online and go with that. But how do you understand the service is best? You can check the review section to see what others say about the service and can also take a look at their portfolio. If you find everything is positive, then you can decide to go with the service.

So, whatever platform you choose or what marketing strategy you are implementing, you need to ensure the best product photos to attract consumers' attention. Attention spanning is the difficult part for content marketers. If you want to sell like crazy using specific online platforms, you need to make strong first impression with visual content. And regarding this, nothing can help you more than ghost mannequin to make the product image attractive. Outsourcing online ghost mannequin service provides a lot of benefits to marketers and social media B2C retailers. As a top notch online graphic design and photo editing service, we can assure you that using our professional service will provide you with the following benefits:

Impressive product image

Ghost mannequin photo editing will make your ecommerce product images captivating. No matter where you use it, you can thrive with such high-quality product images by interacting online audience. Also, you can use them in offline product catalogs to show direct customers.

Make your site look more professional

It is unavoidable that using the ghost mannequin effect on product images will make your site look more professional. Since this is an advanced photo editing technique that can be done only by professionals. It reflects your efforts and communicates to them that you value quality.

Increase conversions

Nowadays, ecommerce retailers, bloggers, and affiliate marketers are all looking for effective ways to increase leads and conversions to achieve their goals. Therefore, they consider high-end photo editing to get attractive visuals for their website and increase conversions.

Improve social media followers

Don't have a website? No problem, you still have a lot of opportunities to grow up as an online brand or business on social media. Using social media like Facebook and Instagram, you can sell anything and create distinguished brand identity by offering quality products and product visuals.

Cut out additional cost of hiring a model

By outsourcing ghost mannequin services, online retailers can cut out the additional cost of hiring models or buying ghost mannequins. Hiring models for product photography is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, using ghost mannequins makes a huge sense as it helps reduce the initial cost.

Saves time and money

A significant advantage of the ghost mannequin service is that it can save online retailers time and money. How? The answer is when you consider choosing ghost mannequin service, you don't need to pay higher for product photography. Also, you don't have to worry about the quality of the photographs as they will be post-processed and delivered the way you want them to look. In this way, ghost mannequin and post processing services help to save marketers time and money.

How fast can we deliver ghost mannequin images?

We prefer quality over quantity. We have a large team of photo editing experts who can work under pressure while not compromising the quality. With such a team, it requires only a few hours if you have a small order of a little number of images. However, if you have a bulk enterprise order that includes more than 2000 images, we will go through discuss and set deadlines for your order.